The Amazing Maurice – Nominated for the European Film Awards!
The Amazing Maurice is nominated for the European Film Awards 2023 in the category “European Animated Feature Film”. We are so proud that we were part of the production. Our fingers are crossed – the award ceremony takes place in Berlin on the 9th of December 2023.

Ooops 2! – Teaser 1!
First Teaser out now! Have a look:

Heinzels in cinema
Congratulations dear Heinzels on more than 180.000 viewers after only two weekends! Keep on baking so deliciously in now 575 German cinemas!

Bayala – premiere and theatrical release
Our elves now start to fly over the magic screens of cinemas everywhere – theatrical release date in Germany is 24th of October 2019! What a wonderful premiere with German actress Josefine Preuss and entertainer Ross Antony.

“bayala – A Magical Adventure” at Int. Toy Fair
Trade visitors at International Toy Fair 2019 in Nuremberg now already saw them: the play figures of the new “bayala – The Movie”-line of Schleich as well as first clips of the movie. Thanks to the whole team!

Tabaluga in cinema
Tabaluga starts in German cinemas! More about our work in Aufblen.de

Luis and the Aliens – the series
Just presented at this years Cartoon Forum: “Luis and the Aliens – the series”:

Luis and the Aliens – theatrical releases worldwide
Luis and the Aliens have their theatrical release in several countries these days! Since 6th of April they already fly through Polish cinemas, in May they start for example in France, Colombia and Germany and many other countries do follow. Extraterrestrical fun worldwide! Don´t miss it!

Bayerischer Filmpreis for “Richard the Stork”
Congratulations! “Richard the Stork” won the prize “Bayerischer Filmpreis” as best children´s and youth`s movie. We are so happy and very proud of the little sparrow and the whole team!